Tuesday 21 April 2015

I am not operating heavy machinery

Before I bury my brain in Benylin, I will blog. I am sick of being ill. The bedroom has become my prison. My only escapes have been taking the dog for tiny exploratory walks, where I shuffle along like I am twice my age. The dog knows. He does not pull as much as usual and likewise I am more patient with his requirement to smell everything in his path. He creates a detailed sniff inventory on our walks. How strange to see with your nose. We come back and both collapse exhausted.

It is frustrating losing writing time, friend time, even work time. Everything is set back. I haven’t done a sit-up since Tuesday. 

My brain works very slowly. But it still works. I am forcing myself well again. Yesterday was a set back; the Flu’s last hurrah but I will vanquish the beast, with the aid of Lemsip and my canine and human nurses. So now I am off to interact for the first time in five days; to buy Benylin, which will knock me out but in a good way, a bit like a double brandy. Oh yes!

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