Friday 30 January 2015

I'm Coming Out!

After using the Fingledeek alias for so long I’ve bitten the cyber bullet and outted myself. My current MA module is a Publishing Project and I’m being forced to recognise the importance of having a professional online presence. I’ve even joined Twitter! I can’t yet face Facebook, it seems the root of so many evils and hurt. Give me a break, this is tough for an unreconstructed 20th century girl! For me it’s the issue of Real versus Virtual. I like real people in front of me. I don’t even like speaking on the phone, let alone emails, texts and now all my friends are using What’s App. What’s up with that? Give me someone I can touch, smell and laugh with.

I know this is irrational, emotional; I know I should be able to cope with the virtual. Stories aren’t real, they only exist in people’s heads so I really ought to embrace electronica; it’s tonnes more tangible than my passion.
The other horror is being out there, being named. Possibly my posts may change shape now I’ve waived anonymity. I know this is narcissistic, a million billion people are out there, I’m not special, I’m certainly not stalkee material so I will try and lighten up. Have fun with it. Also, before I changed to my name I reviewed everything I’d written and only censored one post. Plus isn’t exposing yourself part of being an artist? Neil Gaiman said ‘The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you're walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That's the moment you may be starting to get it right.’
Okay Neil, I’m taking the plunge!


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