Monday 24 November 2014

Continuous Creative Obsession

I’ve long known that visual artists are well along the insanity spectrum, being married to one and counting many among my friends. In particular photo-realists, whose works fill me with anxiety for their crazy obsessive souls. But what about writers? I’d never tarred us with the same brush (Love that dead metaphor; I’m painting you in slimy grime.) Of course, I know many eccentric writers, and many poets seem quite strange…but we are articulate. Oh yes, we can string a sentence together. However I am confronted recently by our particular craziness. My current writing community has recently been flooded with introspects; gently friendly but busy building worlds of the fantastic. Good ones too. My little magical realist flashes now seem quite rooted in reality, as I suppose they should be. And I get it, that world building, that concept of an epic eight book series, those thousand pagers; they are the equivalent of the photo-realists, they frighten me with their intricacy, with their accuracy, with their obsession. But they have what photo-realists don’t, tonnes and tonnes of creativity. If I’m honest too I’m jealous. Like my visual artist circle these people have continuous creative obsession, which I only ever have in waves.

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