Sunday 26 January 2014

Good Hair Day

The happiness of a good haircut. I feel like I’ve been unfaithful, I keep seeing my old hairdresser’s face in my head and creating kind lies ready for if I bump into her. My new hairdresser is like a scientist and I like that. She talks about the way my hair grows, she talks about skull shapes, she suggests an idea and then googles hairstyles on her phone to show me. She has two little dogs that that sit on my lap. My old hairdresser had two dogs too but I never saw them because she came to my house. This hairdresser has an exciting flat near where I live, down an alley I’ve never been before. She gives me lemon and ginger tea and talks about Australia and her dogs riding in her bicycle basket. You can’t not like someone who has dogs in their bicycle basket. Well, I can’t. And then there is the hair, and then there is the care. Cut, dry, cut some more, dry again – with sea-salt spray!       
   ‘Should I get some sea-salt spray? I ask.
   ‘Only if you’re going to dry it with a dryer. If you leave it to dry naturally I wouldn’t worry.’
   ‘Can I leave it to dry?’ I ask, looking at my lovely new hair.
   ‘Oh yes, it will dry to the style fine.’
   So my affair is sealed, a no maintenance haircut, I’m in heaven! It’s worth the guilt.

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