Monday 18 November 2019

Running Away

The darkness in the shadows that always seems to follow you has woken up. Cold and rain and danger and never ever being safe. Until, coming up for air, an oasis of calm, or was that just the cusp, the forgetting, the false security. Yes, because there is the gnawing, soaring sensation again and all will never be well. 
Others deliberately turn their backs, glad it is not them singled out. So you run, down the rain-soaked streets. Relentless running and a stitch and then in breathless exhaustion, you are forced to slow, even though you know that might well be the end.
Inevitably, we are all running from something; a visceral, indescribable evil that is the other side of ourselves. Maybe that is the creature pounding after you, just your shadow reflection. Just everything you don’t like about yourself.
Silence follows your revelation, you stop and turn slowly, ready to confront. The other sadder, angrier, more dangerous you stands there, an unfriendly mirror. There is only one possibility, only one way out. You walk forwards with outstretched arms. It is time to accept, to forgive, to be whole.

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